An evaluation method combining the Differential Doppler measurements from two stations that enables the calculation of the Electron Content of the Ionosphere
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Vols. 1-18 (1924-1944), ISSN 0044-2801
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Differential Doppler measurements of signals from NNSS Navigational Satellites can be used to give the electron content of the ionosphere. Measurements carried out up to now using data from one station provide limited information about the structure of the ionosphere, since the method relies on an assumption being made about the prevailing ionospheric conditions. If these conditions are not fulfilled, this method can lead to large errors in the predicted electron content. In the method described in this paper, Differential Doppler data from two stations are combined, resulting in considerably more reliable results, particularly when there is strong horizontal structure in the ionosphere, as is often the case in Polar regions. Examples of model calculations and experimental measurements are also included.
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