Moon body resonance

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M. Omerbashich


The full range of 50 initial, Moon-orbit-forced superharmonic resonance periods is detected in the 1969-1977 time-series of all 12474 consecutive 0.02 Hz moonquakes from the Apollo Program catalog. The resonance is found forcing the strongest-energy (highest-fidelity) part of the 10 hours–100 days (27.78–0.115741 μHz) long-periodic band at 99–67% confidence and below. Resonance signatures of the Moon’s other four long tidal periods – synodic, anomalistic, nodical, and tropical – were also identified but not as separate drivers of body resonance. The spectra were computed using a least-squares spectral analysis method that enabled separation of the signal driver and noise signatures of all lunar tides, as well as extraction of the exact sequence of resonance periods affecting the solid Moon. As the main disruptive phase, the Moon’s orbital period introduces nonlinearity into lunar vibration and thus forces lunar seismotectonics too, giving rise to superharmonic resonance and probably the so-called free librations as well. The spatiotemporally independent computations of Earth and Moon superharmonic resonances from seismicity time-series prove that (the magnification of) macroscopic mechanical resonance is from-quantum-to-macroscopic-scales universal, and therefore as important as gravitation and fundamental forces. I propose then that some of the craters and calderas in our Solar system are petrified evidence of polygonal Faraday latticing. Finally, since only planets with one moon are susceptible to resonance plate tectonics, to prevent Earth energy overload and disintegration, a global geoengineering scheme is proposed to reassign the smaller of Martian moons, Deimos, to Earth so to attenuate Earth plate tectonics while unlocking Mars plate tectonics for natural terraforming.

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CERN Zenodo DOI:10.5281/3376564 | online first: 24 Aug 2019 CERN

Paper Doublet   Earth body resonance, 63(1):15-29

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Omerbashich, M. (2019). Moon body resonance. Journal of Geophysics, 63(1), 30-42. Retrieved from


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