Jupiter's primordial beat of superoutbursting stars
Jupiter’s 1996 switch to decadal global magnetodynamics of active stars unveils a new pulsar class
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Vols. 1-18 (1924-1944), ISSN 0044-2801
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The decadal global magnetoactivity evolution profile that precedes short-burst pulses in magnetar 4U 0142+61 and superhumps (superoutbursts) in dwarf novae now also emerges from mean least-squares spectra of >12 billion mission-integrated Galileo–Cassini–Juno 1996–2020 annual samplings of Jupiter ⪅8nT global magnetic field. For the first time in any planetary magnetosphere, the profile has revealed a ubiquitous primordial physical property: the presence of a high-power, pulsar-like global dynamic from temporally mapping hyperlow-frequency (<1μHz) systematic dynamics of Jovian magnetospheric signature in the solar wind (Rieger-resonance band of 385.8–64.3 nHz or ~0.3·109–3·109 erg energetic perturbations). The signature served as a proxy of Jovian magnetoactivity expressed in mean least-squares-spectral magnitudes as a novel method for measuring relative field dynamics. The magnetoactivity impressed thus and entirely into the solar wind, and it encompassed the well-known, solar system-permeating ~154-day Rieger period and its first six harmonics. Statistical fidelity of the spectral peaks remained within a very high (Φ≫12) range of 107–105, reflecting the signature’s completeness and incessantness. The magnetoactivity upsurge from spectral means that maintained a stunning ~20% field variance (total annual energy budget) began reformatting the signature around 1999, gradually transforming it into the anomalous state by 2002, as supported by an increased anisotropic splitting of spectral peaks. By contrast, a comparison against 2005–2016 Cassini global samplings revealed a calm Saturnian magnetoactivity at a low ⪅1% field variance except for every ~7.1 yrs when it is ⪅5%, possibly due to orbital–tidal forcing. While this discovery of planetary pulsars as a new pulsar class calls for redefining pulsars to include failed stars, a global pulsation profile of the magnetar–novae type in a failed-star-turned-planet calls for beacon-orbiter missions to monitor Jupiter’s activity and its disruption capacity to solar system infrastructure. Shannon’s theory-based rigorous Gauss–Vaniček least-squares spectral analysis revolutionizes astrophysics by directly computing relative dynamics of global astrophysical fields and space physics by rigorously simulating completed orbits and fleet formations from a single spacecraft.
ARK: https://n2t.net/ark:/88439/x001607
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Sun dims as failed star Jupiter tries to go full-on pulsar. J. Geophys. 66(1):15-24
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