The Sun as a revolving-field magnetic alternator with a wobbling-core rotator from real data
Ulysses replaces dynamo with magnetic alternator in our Sun and Sun-like stars
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Vols. 1-18 (1924-1944), ISSN 0044-2801
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Rather than as a star classically assumed to feature elusive dynamo or a proverbial engine and impulsively alternating polarity, the Sun reveals itself in the 385.8–2.439-nHz (1-month–13-years) band of polar (φSun>|70°|) wind’s decadal dynamics, dominated by the fast (>700 km s−1) winds, as a globally completely vibrating revolving-field magnetic alternator at work at all times. Thus North–South separation of 1994–2008 Ulysses in situ <10nT polar-wind samplings reveals Gauss–Vaníček spectral signatures of an entirely ≥99%-significant, Sun-borne global incessant sharp Alfvén resonance (AR), Pi=PS/i, i=2…n, i∈ℤ ∧ n∈א, accompanied by a symmetrical sharp antiresonance P-. The ideal Sun (slow winds absent) AR imprints to the order u=136 into the fast winds nearly theoretically, with the northerly winds preferentially more so. The spectral peaks’ fidelity is very high (≫12) to high (>12) and reaches Φ>2∙103, validating the signatures as a global dynamical process. The fast-wind spectra reveal upward drifting low-frequency trends due to a rigid core and undertones due to a core offset away from the apex. While the consequent core wobble with a 2.2±0.1-yr return period is the AR trigger, the core offset causes northerly preferentiality of Sun magnetism. Multiple total (band-wide) spectral symmetries of solar activity represented by historical solar-cycle lengths and sunspot and calcium numbers expose the solar alternator and core wobble as the moderators of sunspots, nanoflares, and coronal mass ejections that resemble machinery sparking. The real Sun (slow winds inclusive) AR resolves to n=100+ and is governed by the PS=~11-yr Schwabe global damping (equilibrium) mode northside, its ~10-yr degeneration equatorially, and ~9-yr southside. The Sun is a typical ~3-dB-attenuated ring system, akin to rotating machinery with a wobbling rotator (core), featuring differentially revolving and contrarily (out-of-phase-) vibrating conveyor belts and layers, as well as a continuous global spectrum with patterns complete in both parities and the >81.3 nHz(S) and 55.6 nHz(N) resolution in lowermost frequencies (≲2 μHz in most modes). The global decadal vibration resonantly (quasi-periodically) flips the core, thus alternating the magnetic polarity of our host star. Unlike a resonating motor restrained from separating its casing, the cageless Sun lacks a stator and vibrates freely, resulting in all-spin and mass release (fast solar winds) in an axial shake-off beyond L1 at discrete wave modes generated highly coherently by the whole Sun. Thus, the northerly and southerly antiresonance tailing harmonic P-17 is the well-known PRg=154-day (or PS/3/3/3 to ±1‰) Rieger period from which the wind’s folded Rieger resonance (RR) sprouts, governing solar-system (including planetary) dynamics and space weather. AR and its causes were verified against remote data and the experiment, thus instantly replacing the dynamo with a magnetoalternator and advancing basic knowledge on the >100 billion trillions of solar-type stars. Shannon’s theory-based Gauss-Vanicek spectral analysis revolutionizes astrophysics and space science by rigorously simulating fleet formations from a single spacecraft and physics by computing nonlinear global dynamics directly (rendering spherical approximation obsolete).
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