NRIAG North African Earthquake Catalog
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Vols. 1-18 (1924-1944), ISSN 0044-2801
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Northern Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean encountered multiple natural disasters in the last decade, including earthquakes. While it is a long-known fact that the primary active tectonic structure here is in Sub-Saharan Africa, there are recent assessments of North African earthquake seismicity characteristics. With those studies in mind, and since databases of historical and instrumented earthquakes commonly are treated as tools crucial in evaluating the risk of future earthquakes, we have compiled a comprehensive and consistent North African earthquake catalog spanning 112 BCE to March 2023 CE and using both database types. The compilation comprised instrumented seismicity records from local and international sources, covering the area between 20N˚ to 40N˚ and -20E˚ to 40E˚. The datasets contain all known earthquakes with a magnitude M≥3 (to emphasize that the catalog is incomplete for all earthquakes M>3), totaling 138886 of those events. After cross-examining it against presently available information, we removed all duplicate earthquakes from our compilation. In addition, we performed declustering with two algorithms to eliminate any dependent events. We subsequently tested the updated catalog for completeness. Finally, we employed an orthogonal regression method to derive empirical relationships and determine moment magnitudes, Mw. The study analyzes seismic source zones, determining a- and b-values and maximum estimated magnitudes for 54 seismogenic zones of nine regions according to two declustering approaches at estimated minimum magnitudes of M3.0 and M3.5. The highest b-value, 1.09, is in Shore Egypt/Red Sea, while the highest a-value, 4.27, is in the Atlantic offshore. In our study, we relied on previous works, and our results agree with the results of those.
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