Sun dims as failed star Jupiter tries to go full-on pulsar
A shut–vent magnetism buffer against incoming stars cuts stellar multiplicity, kills dwarf binaries
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Vols. 1-18 (1924-1944), ISSN 0044-2801
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A Sun–Jupiter decade-scale magnetic tangling appears from Wilcox Solar Observatory 1975–2021, N–S≲150 μT mean field data as a global response of solar magnetic fields to the recently discovered pulsar-like varying evolution of Jupiter global magnetoactivity in the 385.8–64.3 nHz (1–180-day) band of Rieger resonance of the solar wind since 2001. The Jovian sudden deviation has been so high at an extreme ≲20% field variance that it appears to have forced solar magnetoactivity devolution into an inverse-matching response at an effectively moderate ≲1.5% mean field variance. Thus, as Jupiter's decadal magnetoactivity evolved in a rare, increasingly sinusoidal fashion, seen in astronomy not only in magnetars but dwarf-novae as well, the Sun began reducing its magnetoactivity in a decreasingly sinusoidal fashion ~2002 (the epoch of Abbe number drop) to the solar cycle 24 extreme minimum. For a check, 2004–2021 WIND spacecraft data revealed a <0.5-var% (<5-dB) calm ≲50 nT interplanetary magnetic field at L1, slightly undulated by the Jupiter evolution. This revelation excluded the solar wind or the Sun as impulse sources, which agrees with the statistical fidelity waning down Jupiter–L1–Sun diffusion vector spaces, as 107–103–102. Magnetic tangling of stars with their hot (<0.1 AU) Jupiters was blamed in the past for observed star pulsation and superflaring 102–107 times more energetic than the strongest solar flare. Accordingly, the Sun's apparent ante-impulse locking creates a shock-absorbing mechanism—a routine Sun shutter response to Jupiter's remnant yet recurrent attempted phasing into the flare-brown-dwarf state—with which the Sun enters a grand minimum (sleep mode). I then propose that, since the mechanism must be primordial, Jupiter intermittently becomes an indirect driver of climate on Earth as the Sun prepares to discharge the mechanism-stored energy as a non-extinction ~1032-erg superflare (currently overdue). At the same time, this shutting-venting magnetism buffer represents a universal stellar defense mechanism by which stars repel other (active and inactive) incoming stars. The discovery explains Milky Way observations of the ~1:3 relative scarcity of companion-stars systems and why binaries, and progressively multinaries, occur more often with the stellar mass increase, i.e., as this sifting mechanism—remarkably efficient in dwarfs as predominant yet less massive star type—naturally weakens, yielding to gravity. The mechanism could be vital to our understanding of the origin of Jupiter, star formation processes, and the nature of gravity.
Jupiter's primordial beat of superoutbursting stars. J. Geophys. 66(1):1-14
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