Modeling of uniform rotation effects on homogeneous decaying turbulence

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Hydrodynamic turbulence under rotation is often encountered in geophysics and astrophysics, inspiring extensive research into the effects of rotation on turbulence. Amongst numerous scenarios in those studies, the rotating homogeneous decaying turbulence stands out as a canonical case study of turbulence theory. I report a physical 2nd-order closure model to simulate homogeneous decaying turbulence under uniform rotation, which corrects a previous solution. The rotation effects are functions of the rotation rate Ω, the parallel component of the Reynolds stress tensor, and the integral length scale along the rotation axis, together with its isotropic value. The results demonstrate that the new remedying model effectively reproduces theoretical predictions, aligning closely with data from direct numerical simulations and outperforming old physical models from the same class.

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Marzougui, H. (2024). Modeling of uniform rotation effects on homogeneous decaying turbulence. Journal of Geophysics, 66(1), 60-66. Retrieved from


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