The intercept-time method – possibilities and limitations
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Vols. 1-18 (1924-1944), ISSN 0044-2801
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In deep-seismic sounding the reflected and refracted waves recorded form a complex system of traveltime curves. The inverse seismic problem consists in determining the function ν (x, z) along the profile for a series of velocity levely ν (x, z) = const and discontinuities as well. This paper described a method which allows the transformation of observed traveltime curves into an intercept-time section with isolines of velocity. Such a section permits discrimination of the various types of waves and gives a qualitative picture of the crustal structure, and is then converted into a depth section. The application of this method is demonstrated by a number of examples from the Ukrainian Shield, the Tien Shan and the Caucasus showing both possibilities and restrictions.
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