Palaeomagnetism of Upper Cretaceous limestones from the Munster Basin, Germany
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Vols. 1-18 (1924-1944), ISSN 0044-2801
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Marine, mainly flat-lying sediments of Late Cretaceous age are exposed throughout a wide area of the Munster Basin (NW-Germany). During the Cenomanian, Turonian, and Campanian fine-grained, grey, marly to pure limestones were deposited. The Campanian limestones carry magnetization components of unknown age due to the presence of secondary goethite and haematite. However, in the Cenomanian and Turonian rocks the natural remanent magnetization (NRM) is due to detrital magnetite and can be associated with the time of deposition. Fold tests confirm a Late Cretaceous age of magnetization in the magnetite-bearing limestones, since the NRM pre-dates latest Cretaceous deformation along the northern margin of the basin. The Munster Basin limestones provide one of the first reliable Cretaceous pole positions (Lat.: 76° N, Long.: 181° E) from stable Europe.
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