Observation of PS reflections from the Moho
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Vols. 1-18 (1924-1944), ISSN 0044-2801
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Fuchs (1975) has described the theory and computation of synthetic seismograms for PS reflections from first order discontinuities and transition zones with various properties. A number of record sections were shown in which PS reflections were not discernable. In the course of a programme of explosion work which has been carried out around Scotland (SOSP, outlined by Jacob, 1974) a line of shots fired in the North Minch was observed by a station, WR, situated at Cape Wrath (Fig. 1). Though sub-critical PmP Moho reflections were seen, which indicated that PS reflections from the Moho might be expected, a section of vertical component seismograms (Fig. 2) gave only a weak indication of the phase. However, further processing of the data has shown a clear PS Moho reflection to be present.
ARK: https://n2t.net/ark:/88439/y012585
Permalink: https://geophysicsjournal.com/article/273
Article Details
Fuchs, K. (1975) Synthetic seismograms of PS-reflections from transition Zones computed with the reflectivity method. J. Geophys. 41:445-462
Jacob, A.W.B. (1974) The Scottish seismic refraction programme. Proc XIII General Assembly E.S.C., Brazov, Part II:325-329
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