Grain size effect on the low-temperature oxidation of titanomagnetite

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The low-temperature oxidation process in titanomagnetite has been investigated. Using samples with controlled grain sizes, it has been shown that there is a critical grain size in the oxidation behaviour of titanomagnetites; smaller grains undergo low-temperature oxidation, while larger ones separate to Fe-rich titanomagnetite and Ti-rich hemo-ilmenite (high-temperature oxidation). The difference between the results of similar experiments by Ozima and Sakamoto (1971) and by Readman and O'Reilly (1972) can be explained in terms of differences in partide sizes of titanomagnetites. Comparable results were obtained from natural subaerial and submarine basalts; when they are heated to temperatures between 150° C and 375° C, oxidation proceeds in submarine basalts, but it does not in subaerially erupted basalts and a high-temperature oxidation process occurs. This fact indicates that the grain size of the magnetic minerals is one of the most important controlling factors in low-temperature oxidation of titanomagnetites.

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Nishitani, T., & Kono, M. (1981). Grain size effect on the low-temperature oxidation of titanomagnetite. Journal of Geophysics, 50(1), 137-142. Retrieved from


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