Palaeomagnetic secular variation curves extending back to 13,400 years B.P. recorded by sediments deposited in Lac de Joux, Switzerland
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Vols. 1-18 (1924-1944), ISSN 0044-2801
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Palaeosecular variation records have been obtained from three cores from Lac de Joux, Switzerland ( 46°37' N, 6°16' E) on which a parallel biostratigraphy has been constructed. All three cores show a well developed Late-glacial sequence which extends to beyond 13,400 years B.P. and the recorded palaeomagnetic declination and inclination variations can be correlated between these cores. The longer core (no. 3) also shows a well developed Post-glacial sequence and the declination and inclination records can be correlated in detail with the independently dated United Kingdom records which extend back to about 10,000 years B.P. Ages along Lac de Joux core 3, obtained by palaeomagnetic correlation with U.K. cores, are compared with ages based on the local palynology and thus a timescale has been attached to the Lac de Joux record back to beyond 13,400 years B.P. during which time there is no evidence of any geomagnetic excursion or short event.
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