Evaluation of the effectiveness of theoretical model calculation in determining the plasmapause structure
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Vols. 1-18 (1924-1944), ISSN 0044-2801
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The relative position of the VLF/ELF emission region with respect to the plasmapause is of essential importance in studying their generation and propagation mechanism. On occasions when whistler data are not available, providing extensively the experimental determination of the plasmapause, we are obliged to rely on the theoretical model calculation or, alternatively, on the empirical formulas. The present paper deals with the evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of a theoretical model calculation in estimating the plasmapause location with reference to its comparison with in-situ electron density measurements and empirical formulas, during a specific geomagnetic storm. It is concluded that the temporal evolution with the present theoretical calculation, under a more acceptable convection electric field model, would yield a sufficiently reliable value for the plasmapause configuration rather than the empirical formulas. It can be used in the study of wave-particle interactions when whistler data are not available and also in the study of the erosion of the plasmasphere itself.
ARK: https://n2t.net/ark:/88439/y088608
Permalink: https://geophysicsjournal.com/article/238
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