Deep-seated lateral velocity variations beneath the GRF array inferred from mislocation patterns and P residuals
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Vols. 1-18 (1924-1944), ISSN 0044-2801
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The analysis of mislocation patterns and the three-dimensional inversion of travel-time residuals for P waves measured at the GRF array reveal the existence of strong lateral velocity variations beneath the array. The most expressive phenomenon consists of an increase of P-wave velocities in the upper mantle from north to south, in addition to a possible thickening of the lithosphere to the south; especially the Moldanubian part of the Bohemian massif located to the southeast of the GRF array is characterized by high P-wave velocities in the upper mantle. The systematic change of the magnitude of the residual variation across the array, depending on the incidence angle for P waves, leads to the conclusion that a low-velocity zone exists in the upper mantle to the northeast of subarray A. The appearance of low-velocity material in the vicinity of the border between the two tectonic units, namely the Saxothuringian zone to the north and the Moldanubian zone to the south, might be connected to the deep structure of the graben area which extends to the northeast into the Egergraben.
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