Domain state of Ti-rich titanomagnetites deduced from domain structure observations and susceptibility measurements

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E. Appel
H.C. Soffel


Domain structure observations and measurements of the temperature dependence of susceptibility on synthetic and natural titanomagnetites are reported. At room temperature Ti-rich titanomagnetite particles (x ≈ 0.6) of MD grain size normally develop a very complicated domain structure. The experimental results of our investigations, in addition to simple theoretical calculations, indicate that internal stress is the dominant cause of the observed anomalous domain patterns. Part of the results have already been published by Appel and Soffel (1984). The paper presented here, however, is a far more extended summary of the actual state of our research.

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Appel, E., & Soffel, H. (1984). Domain state of Ti-rich titanomagnetites deduced from domain structure observations and susceptibility measurements. Journal of Geophysics, 56(1), 121-132. Retrieved from


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