Anisotropy of vp and vs in rock-forming minerals

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The compressional and shear wave anisotropy coefficients of 33 minerals of igneous and metamorphic rocks were calculated from published elastic constants and tabulated together with the orientation of velocity extremes in single crystals. The most abundant minerals of crustal crystalline rocks - alkali feldspars, plagioclases, quartz, micas and hornblende - have higher anisotropy coefficients than the upper mantle minerals - olivine, pyroxenes and garnets. Due to the orientation of mineral grains and their velocity extremes in a stress field, however, the olivine-rich ultramafites belong to the most anisotropic rocks and, in contrast, the crack-free anisotropy of crustal crystalline rocks is generally low, with the exception of metamorphic rocks rich in micas, hornblende and calcite.

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Babuška, V. (1981). Anisotropy of vp and vs in rock-forming minerals. Journal of Geophysics, 50(1), 1-6. Retrieved from


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