Experimental data on electric field and electron density dependence of auroral E-region drift turbulence and radar backscatter
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Vols. 1-18 (1924-1944), ISSN 0044-2801
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Haldoupis et al. (1982), Uspensky et al. (1983) and Starkov et al. (1983) have recently found that the 140 MHz backscatter amplitude in the auroral ionosphere depends mainly on the mean electron density (height-integrated conductivity) in the E–layer. A similar relationship for the 46 MHz band was also found by Leinonen et al. (in press, 1983). In principle, this can be explained by only a slight dependence of the relative level of E-region drift turbulence < (∆N/ N)2 > in the auroral ionosphere on ionospheric parameters, viz. electric field and mean electron density. However, up to now, quantitative evidence for such a backscatter amplitude — electron density relationship is restricted to the few events which have so far been analyzed. Therefore, the aim of this short note is to add some more data to that data set. Furthermore, we will compare measurements made in the evening and morning sectors, where the conditions for irregularity excitation might be different.
ARK: https://n2t.net/ark:/88439/y063050
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