Estimate of confidence in paleomagnetic directions derived from mixed remagnetization circle and direct observational data

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A method is presented for obtaining the direction and confidence oval for a paleomagnetic component at a site given a number of independently oriented samples, some of which give an estimate of the remanence direction, while others yield only remagnetization circles. Such mixed remagnetization circle-remanence direction data frequently characterise paleomagnetic sites carrying two remanence components where the component of interest is small and less dispersed compared to a more easily removed one. The method described maximises the amount of usable data per site and thus leads to an improved site direction estimate.

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Bailey, R., & Halls, H. (1983). Estimate of confidence in paleomagnetic directions derived from mixed remagnetization circle and direct observational data. Journal of Geophysics, 54(1), 174-182. Retrieved from


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