Generation and propagation mechanisms of low-latitude magnetic pulsations - A review
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Vols. 1-18 (1924-1944), ISSN 0044-2801
Main Article Content
1. Introduction
2. Low-latitude Pc 3 magnetic pulsations
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Upstream waves as a source of low-latitude Pc 3
2.3 Transmission of upstream waves through bow shock and magnetopause
2.4 Propagation mechanism of Pc 3 source waves into deep magnetosphere
2.5 Transmitted Pc 3 source waves in the magnetosphere
2.6 Characteristic frequencies of various Pc 3 oscillations in magnetosphere
2.7 Wave characteristics of low-latitude Pc 3
2.8 Pc 2–3 at very low latitudes (Φ< 22°)
3. Low-latitude Pi 2 magnetic pulsations
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Unresolved characteristics of Pi 2 pulsations
3.3 Wave and current fluctuation models for Pi 2 generation
3.4 Model of instantaneous transmission from polar electric field to equator
3.5 A possible model for daytime Pi 2
4. Summary and conclusions.
Article Details
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