Paleomagnetic investigation of Quaternary West Eifel volcanics (Germany): indication for increased volcanic activity during geomagnetic excursion/event?

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Eighty-five sites of West Eifel volcanoes were investigated paleomagnetically, giving 64 independent virtual geomagnetic poles (VGP). The VGP distribution is strongly asymmetric: about 30% of the VGPs have latitudes below 60° N and are confined to the longitude sector between 30° E and 120° E. This leads to a mean VGP situated at 74.0° N/63.9° E, deviating significantly from the north geographical pole. The VGP distribution is non-Fisherian, but the radial component is rather similar to that observed for Tertiary to Quaternary Icelandic lavas. Tectonic, petrographic, rock magnetic properties and secular variation do not seem to be responsible for the anomalous VGP positions. We propose that the volcanoes with anomalous VGPs erupted in a short period during an excursion or event of the Earth's magnetic field.

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Bohnel, H., Reismann, N., Jager, G., Haverkamp, U., Negendank, J., & Schmincke, H.-U. (1987). Paleomagnetic investigation of Quaternary West Eifel volcanics (Germany): indication for increased volcanic activity during geomagnetic excursion/event?. Journal of Geophysics, 62(1), 50-61. Retrieved from


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