Analytical model calculations for heat exchange in a confined aquifer

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Model calculations are carried out for the temperature distribution in an aquifer, into which water is injected. The models are simplified so that the temperature distribution can be given by an analytical expression. The one-dimensional simulation shows the well-known fact that effects of conduction can generally be neglected. In two-dimensional models the case of a doublet, in particular, is analysed. A new approach is used for solving the heat transport equation. The distributions of temperature, streamlines and potential, even if a natural uniform flow of groundwater exists, can be easily calculated and plotted. The computation of the temperature in the extraction well shows that the economical working time of a doublet can be longer than the thermal breakthrough time.

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Schulz, R. (1987). Analytical model calculations for heat exchange in a confined aquifer. Journal of Geophysics, 61(1), 12-20. Retrieved from


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