Elastic wave propagation in a highly scattering medium - a diffusion approach

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The principle of conservation of energy, in the form of the equation of radiative transfer, is used to treat the case of strong scattering of elastic waves. If the medium is isotropic, if all the energy present has been scattered many times, and if the time and distance scales of the problem are long compared to the time and distance scales of the scattering process, then the average flow of energy is described by the diffusion equation with an additional term representing linear dissipation to heat. Model seismic experiments using holes drilled in aluminum plates as scatterers confirm the applicability of the formalism. The diffusion formalism qas been successfully applied to lunar seismograms and to some Earth data. The results of studies of lunar seismograms show that the zone of strong scattering on the Moon is confined to a near surface zone.

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Dainty, A., & Toksoz, M. (1977). Elastic wave propagation in a highly scattering medium - a diffusion approach. Journal of Geophysics, 43(1), 375-388. Retrieved from https://journal.geophysicsjournal.com/JofG/article/view/102


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