

Closing the second two-year volume of the glorious 4th edition of the world's oldest journal in geophysics, which we rebooted back in 2019, I invite you to join us in celebrating this remarkable milestone with us.

These past couple of years were a great success for all surviving small presses like ours. Despite difficulties that nearly brought down even the wealthiest of the publishing industry, Geophysics Online has overcome all the obstacles and begun to position itself in this highly competitive market. On top of it, a new academic journal titled GEODESY has just entered its launching stage — and is on schedule at that (

At the opening of the new 2023, we pledge to you, our readers, business partners, and friends, to be even more efficient, helpful, and truthful to the most worthy cause — that of disseminating world-class knowledge in the form of free Open Access. This promise was, in part, already fulfilled by bringing you more advanced functionality improvements and modernization in design across the full spectrum of our online presence, including this website you are reading. 

Some of these new features include the latest in cloud technology. And on the editing side, I am pleased to announce the upcoming switch from a biennial to an annual publishing cycle (one volume per year instead of every two years); over the initial period since the reboot, we had to be very selective in what we published. Indeed, this approach was one dictated by the global scare that has deeply scarred most businesses, but in equal part also by our unconditional motivation and a firm commitment to preserving the best for the best.

In that spirit, I wish you all a prosperous and Happy New Year 2023 — may it be merrier than all the Time that passed!

