The Journal of Geophysics (J. Geophys.) is the world's oldest and premier geophysical journal. As the journal of record for all of geophysics, it publishes research of great importance to our understanding of the solar system, primarily in areas of classical (theoretical) physics — including solar and space physics, solid-Earth and planetary physics, geodynamics, tectonophysics, seismology, physical and mathematical geodesy, atmosphere physics, and more...


Journal of GeophysicsJournal of Geophysics

Like moths to a flame (the buck stops with the Ph.D.)


Over the past two decades, numerous organizations appeared in academic publishing that promise "respect" and "reputation"—if you only use their paid services. Such organizations include the infamous reputation-seller DOI, respect-seller DOAJ, integrity-seller COPE, professionalism-seller OASPA, and many others (too many to count). (more...)

Vol 66 No 1 (2024): Journal of Geophysics

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Journal of GeophysicsJournal of Geophysics


Journal of Geophysics
Journal of Geophysics
Journal of Geophysics
Journal of Geophysics
Journal of Geophysics
Journal of Geophysics


Journal of Geophysics

• Basic data on our Solar System and related discoveries (infographics).